"Do not just hear the Word of God and think hearing is enough. DO what it says!" James 1:22

Friday, October 7, 2011

BBQ Baskets... and Birds in a Blanket

We LOVE these at the Gettelfinger home!

BBQ Baskets

1 pkg refridgerated biscuit dough
1 pkg beef bar-B-que (or homemade)
1 pkg shredded cheddar cheese

Push each biscuit dough into a regular sized muffin tin so that there is a small "well" in the middle of the biscuit.  Bake biscuits for 1/2 the time directed on the package.  Using a teeny tiny glass or jar, push each bubbled-up biscuit down directly in the center.  Fill each "well" with BBQ.  Top with a heaping TBsp of cheddar cheese.  Return to oven and continue baking for remainder of time directed on the package.

I like to save some of the BBQ back to add to my basket once it is finished baking.  Mmmmm...

Birds in a Blanket

1 pkg refridgerated crescent rolls
1 pkg precooked turkey sausage links

Wrap each sausage link in a crescent roll triangle.  Bake as directed.  How easy is that?!  YUM!!!