"Do not just hear the Word of God and think hearing is enough. DO what it says!" James 1:22

Friday, December 10, 2010

Lesson 16 with Mrs. McKain

Our last CBS lesson of 2010 was offered by Mrs. McKain.  Let's see what God shared with our classes through her sweet words...

"Today's Lesson was titled: Let my lifesong sing to you.

1. He wrote the majority of songs in Psalms,

2. He watched his father's sheep and played music,

3. He was the second King of Israel"

Although David wrote so many praise songs to God, they weren't always happy songs. Yet even through the sad times, he chose to allow his life to sing a song of praise to God. While running for his life from King Saul and hiding in a cave. David wrote Psalm 57---In it David declares, "My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast, I will sing and make music. David's life was not easy, remember his fight with Goliath, Saul hated him, his first-born son (with bathsheba) died, Absalom (his son) tried to take over the kingdom, his only daughter was beaten, but yet he CHOSE to let his life sing a song of praise to God.

Who Am I?
1. Was threatened to be killed as a baby

2. Became an Egyptian Prince

3. Used by God to lead Israel out of slavery

Exodus 15 records a song of Moses. In verses 1-19 Moses sings a song to praise God and causes the Israelites to remember God's mighty deeds in leading them out of Egypt and slavery.

Who Am I?
1. Teenager

2. Angel spoke to her

3. Gave birth to Jesus

Mary's song of hope was recorded in Luke 1. There is no telling of how much Mary wouldve been made fun of and talked about for being pregnant, but Mary focused on teh hope of God's promises and chose for her life a song of trust to Him.

Who Am I?
1. Witnessed/Responsible for Stephen's death

2. Blind for 3 days

3. Imprisoned with Silas

Paul was imprisoned already 3 or 4 times in Acts. Not only was he imprisoned, but he was also stripped of his clothing and beaten. But he continued to sing praises to the Lord. Verse 25 says "Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them."

Before God's music and song can be written in our life, our life must first be made available to Him. God made a way for us to be forgiven, He made a way for us to know Him, He made a way for us to have the promises of Heaven. Christ made the way, the only way, by His death on the cross and His resurrection from the grave.

Jesus said himself, "I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through me." John 14:6 So the first word that must be sung is YES YES to Jesus.

The music we listen to can help us or hurt us. If we listen to music that focuses our mind on good things, the things of God, it will renew our minds. Remember the kiddie song "Oh be careful little eyes what you see.... oh be careful little ears what you hear... the Father up above is looking down in love"

Have you all ever had a song stuck in your head? That is called EARWORMS!!! They are real things... Not an actual worm but brain worm. Scientists say music and songs can leave an earworm in your mind. What kind of earworms are in your head? Those drawing you closer to God or further away?

Just like David, Moses, Mary, and Paul we can choose to fill our hearts and minds with the things that glorify God and cause our lives to be a song of praise for Him. NO matter what is going on in our lives, good or bad, we can choose to allow God through His Holy Spirit to make our life a song of praise, a song of victory, a song of trust, or a song of hope. Our life song can be a song of faith."